Use the buttons below to select the category for your question. If it's not answered here, it's likely answered elsewhere in the documentation or can be asked in our Discord server.
In ForgottenGlory's modlists, autosaves are disabled. This is intentional, as autosaves can try to save when scripts are running, which increases the chance of your save no longer being able to load.
Instead, you should make your quicksave button (by default F5) your best friend.
Please keep the following in mind when making saves:
It is always better to save before entering a loading screen instead of after. After a loading screen it is very likely that scripts will be running for at least 30 seconds, so if you must save after a loading screen, at least wait that long before doing so.
Avoid saving during combat. Multiple scripts are running during most combat encounters.
Additionally avoid saving over the same save multiple times, and avoid using the Quicksave option in the escape menu if it is present. Use the Save option or the quicksave hotkey as mentioned above.
There are as many reasons a mod wouldn't be included in a list as there are stars in the sky. Here's some of the most common ones. Pick whichever one is applicable, or your favorite.
1. The list author didn't know that mod existed.
2. It's incompatible with other mods in the list.
3. It's nonfunctional.
4. It has problems such as causing CTDs, infinite loading screens, or more.
5. It doesn't fit the list in question.
6. Something in the list already does what that mod does.
7. The list author doesn't like the mod.
8. It would require too much work to add for not enough benefit.
There are several different antivirus programs that can cause issues with Wabbajack installs and running the mod lists. Please see the additional information on Antivirus Troubleshooting at the bottom of this FAQ page. or click HERE
Please download and install Visual C++ from this link:
Make sure you’ve disabled all overlays for Skyrim. The most common ones are Discord, Steam, and nVidia. Other overlays from things like MSI Afterburner and f.lux have also been known to cause issues.
Wabbajack installs a portable MO2 instance for whatever modlist you're installing. The instance being portable means that each list you install is isolated from all other lists, as long as they are contained in separate folders from one another.
You are free to install as many lists as you'd like and switch between them at will - your only limitation is how much hard drive space you're willing to commit to the lists. To help save hard drive space, you can have a combined downloads folder that is shared across multiple lists. To do so, just make sure you set your "Download Location" in Wabbajack to the shared folder before beginning the installation of a list. Additionally, if you have a shared downloads folder, you will not need to download multiple copies of a mod if it is shared between the lists you are installing.
This also means that you are free to move an install folder for a list as much as you'd like to any non-Program Files folder or hard drive.
Only if you are not changing your character’s gender or race. Changing gender/race will cause issues with powers and passive buffs your character has.
Yes. Display Tweaks SSE is included to allow higher refresh rates.
Check the SSE Display Tweaks INI file to make sure you have the resolution for your screen set correctly. You may also need to check BethINI or the Skyrim INI files to make sure they all match your screen’s resolution.
Windows Scaling can prevent games displaying correctly, often resulting in appearing 'zoomed in'.
To mitigate this, find SkyrimSE.exe in the Stock Game folder of your modlist installation (Not your Steam install) and follow the steps outlined in the image below.
Instructions here are for the default ENB, if you have changed it you will need to search for the settings on your own. Open the ENB configuration menu in game with Shift+Enter Navigate to the ENBEffect.fx menu on the right side of the configuration screen.
You will see two options near the top of this section, The first is the Nights modifier, Set this to a lower number between 0.5 and 1 to make nights brighter outdoors. Set it to a number between 1 and 2 to make them darker.
Repeat this for the Interiors setting using the same number scale. Press Save Configuration in the top left and then close the menu using Shift+Enter again.
DO NOT CLICK APPLY CHANGES This will load the configuration from the .ini file and you will lose your changes.
A program called BethINI is included with the Living Skyrim installation. You can find it in the Tools\BethINI folder. Run the program (MAKE SURE Mod Organizer IS CLOSED) and adjust your settings as necessary.
You’ll need to manually set the path for SKSE using the Edit Executables menu in MO2. Set it to [install folder]\Stock Game\skse64_loader.exe. Alternatively your Antivirus software may be interfering with the installation, set exceptions and/or disable as necessary.
ForgottenGlory's lists all require an up-to-date version of Skyrim Special Edition in order to be installed. The fastest way to do this is to verify your installation through Steam.
If you have purchased Skyrim Anniversary Edition or purchased the paid DLC for Anniversary Edition: the lists are still installable, however, none of the Creation Club content will be used while playing the list. There are currently no plans to change this, please, do not ask.
All downgrading of files etc. is handled by Wabbajack, no manual downgrading is required.
The short answer is no.
The slightly longer answer is technically yes, but you need to know what you're doing. You can't just slap any old mods into whatever list you want and expect them to "just work".
You'll likely need to spend time resolving conflicts, fixing the load order, and more.
Support is not provided for modifying the lists.
The Mod Currently Failing is ESLIfy Everything.
Please download the ESLify Everything.rar file from the GitHub link Here
Place the file in your Resource Download Location for the list. Do Not Extract It
You can then close and re-open Wabbajack and start the list install again through Wabbajack. Using the Install from Disk option in the Main Menu of Wabbajack is generally the quickest way to resume your install with the correct Paths.
Please download the ESLify Everything.rar file from the GitHub link Here
Place the file in your Resource Download Location for the list. Do Not Extract It
You can then close and re-open Wabbajack and start the list install again through Wabbajack. Using the Install from Disk option in the Main Menu of Wabbajack is generally the quickest way to resume your install with the correct Paths.
If your Wabbajack installation fails and shows [FATAL] (Wabbajack.Installer.StandardInstaller) Unable to download Data_ccBGSSSE037-Curios.bsa and/or .esl, do the following:
In your Steam installation folder for Skyrim, go into Data folder, find the .bsa and .esp files listed above, delete those and verify your installation in Steam. See !verify if you need assistance for that.
Once that has finished, rerun Wabbajack to continue the install.
Reset your Wabbajack installation. To completely reset your Wabbajack settings, start off by closing Wabbajack if it is open. Afterwards, press Windows + R on your keyboard and type in %localappdata%. You should see a Windows Explorer window pop up, find and delete the folder called Wabbajack inside.
Yes, just close Wabbajack. When you start the installation process again it will pick up from where it left off.
If you are experiencing issues with Wabbajack repeatedly failing to download one or more files, try using a VPN service such as Cloudflare WARP or ProtonVPN.
Wabbajack is not affiliated with and does not endorse any specific VPN service. Wabbajack does not provide user support for VPN services. Use at your own discretion.
Nexus Premium is limited to 2500 downloads in a given 24 hour timeframe. Usually this limit resets around 9PM Eastern Time. Wait for your limit to reset and you’ll be able to proceed. Usually this only occurs after attempting to download the list multiple times in a row or when attempting to download multiple lists in the same 24 hour window.
Yes, but remember that if you need to update the list you will have to download all of the mods that have updated again.
What is Maintenance?
When a mod is updated, hidden or taken offline, any lists using that mod will automatically be put into maintenance mode to prevent users downloading a broken Wabbajack install.
How long does maintenance last?
As long as necessary. Auto-heal can resolve many mod updates but larger updates or mods being hidden typically require the list author to intervene. No one can give you a time frame.
Can I download the list anyway?
Can I download the other mods in the list?
If you want to do it manually via the list manifest on the Wabbajack website, sure. Automatically, no.
Can someone give me the missing file?
First, you can try restarting the install once, you may also try enabling the Network Workaround option in the settings for Wabbajack to see if it will download the file after enabling that setting.Next, check the list of commonly failing files further down on this page, some files hosted on certain file hosting sites are prone to failing at times.Otherwise: wait for an update to the list. Please do not ask for anyone to share old files. I work a full-time job in addition to several other personal projects, of which Living Skyrim is just one. If installs are failing, I will try to update as quickly as possible but sometimes it may be a couple of days before I can get to it.
The Mod Currently Failing is ESLIfy Everything.
Please download the ESLify Everything.rar file from the GitHub link Here
Place the file in your Resource Download Location for the list. Do Not Extract It
You can then close and re-open Wabbajack and start the list install again through Wabbajack. Using the Install from Disk option in the Main Menu of Wabbajack is generally the quickest way to resume your install with the correct Paths.
Please download the ESLify Everything.rar file from the GitHub link Here
Place the file in your Resource Download Location for the list. Do Not Extract It
You can then close and re-open Wabbajack and start the list install again through Wabbajack. Using the Install from Disk option in the Main Menu of Wabbajack is generally the quickest way to resume your install with the correct Paths.
The brightness of any given location is entirely subjective. For some, it may be too dark. For others, it may be too bright. Before anything else, you should know that this is not a bug. The perceived brightness (or darkness, as the case may be) of a location is based on a huge number of factors:
It is impossible for us to design a modlist with 100% perfect lighting for everyone. If you find the brightness/darkness too much in either direction, the only thing we can recommend is to change settings until it is at an acceptable level for you. The first things you should try are switching ENB presets and adjusting brightness/gamma settings.
Living Skyrim and Masterstroke include an optional mod you can enable to make things brighter that you can try. Those lists also come with an ESP called “Lux - Even Brighter Templates.esp” that you can safely disable if you would like to make it darker. No support is provided for adjusting lighting/brightness in the modlists beyond this, and exceeding what’s written here falls under Rule 11.
In modlists created by ForgottenGlory, autosaves are turned off. Why? Well, autosaves can sometimes activate while scripts in the game are running. If that happens, there’s a risk that you won’t be able to load that saved game in the future.
To ensure your gaming progress is saved:
By following these steps, you’ll make sure your game progresses smoothly and your adventures in Skyrim remain uninterrupted. Safe adventuring!
The Dark Brotherhood is largely unchanged, except for one major detail: “Good” characters can now complete the questline without committing a single crime, resulting in the destruction of the Dark Brotherhood.
ForgottenGlory’s modlists are not specifically designed with controller support in mind. The amount of keybinds required by the modlist are much better suited to a keyboard and mouse, and you should use that setup if possible.
However, if you do feel the need to use a controller, as of version 4.1.0, a controller layout may be optionally enabled, courtesy of Discord user hbkmog. To do so;
In MO2, scroll down to the List Customization separator. There you will find The Ultimate Control Scheme and Classic Sprinting Redone. Enable both of these.
There is also a file you need to move/delete. Navigate to ..\Living Skyrim 4\Stock Game, find the ControlMap_Custom.txt, and either move it somewhere else (to back it up) or delete it.
From here, there are a few manual edits to make. Find the TK Dodge RE mod, double click it in MO2, then click over to the INI Files tab, and click on the TK Dodge RE.ini file on the left hand side and change the EnableSprintKeyDodge=false to EnableSprintKeyDodge=true. Close that window, allowing it to save.
The next step is to change an .ini file for One Click Power Attack. Following the same steps as above, change the ForceRightKey=258 to ForceRightKey=281.
The last step is to load up the game. Press Escape to open the menu, then Settings. Enable “Controller” and you’re good to go! Once again, thanks to hbkmog for setting this up!
The binds for this layout are as follows;
The Companions questline can technically be started at level 1, but it depends on where the first radiant quest takes you as to what level you actually need to be to proceed with it. Regardless, the Companions questline functions very similarly to the Thieves’ Guild questline - the breaks it has are dictated by radiant quests. You’ll also need to complete many more radiant quests than vanilla Skyrim to proceed with the major quests in the questline.
Helmets are automatically shown and hidden by Equipment Toggle. By default helmets are hidden except for when you either draw your weapons or enter combat. When exiting combat or sheathing your weapons, the helmet will be hidden again.To manually make your helmet show and hide, press the down arrow key.
You can also configure the Equipment Toggle INI in its mod folder to change when it shows and hides your helmet. Refer to Equipment Toggle’s mod page for detailed information on how to modify its INI.
The Thieves’ Guild is one of the few questlines that can be done from level 1, though its later quests will definitely require you to be higher level than vanilla Skyrim.
However, to start the Thieves’ Guild questline, you need to actually be a thief. Brynjolf won’t speak to you about the Thieves’ Guild unless you have stolen a certain amount of items, dictated by the Thieves’ Guild Requirements MCM. The breaks introduced to the Thieves’ Guild questline are mainly dictated by the radiant quests, since they are optional to accept and complete. You’ll need to complete a certain amount of radiant quests before being able to proceed with the next major quest in its line.
To change ENB settings, press Shift + Enter while in-game. This will open the ENB control panel. You can tweak the settings of ENB using this control panel.
Disabling ENB
To toggle ENB on and off while in-game, press Shift + F12. Disabling ENB can have massive performance effects, and is highly recommended for people with computer specifications close to the minimum recommended specs.
Similar to the main quest, the College of Winterhold is not a level 1 questline. The draugr you fight in Saarthal will likely be at least level 15, if not higher. Come prepared.
The College of Winterhold questline now requires to you be a mage to actually participate in it. After First Lessons is complete, you’ll need to speak to Tolfdir to begin the expedition to Saarthal. Like the main quest, the College of Winterhold has several points where it stops to allow you to go do other things. However, these stops are dictated by your magic skills. After Saarthal, you’ll need a magic skill at level 50, 65, and then 90 to proceed with the subsequent quests.
You should spend some time reading the Simply Balanced MCM and tweak the settings to your liking. It can take quite some time to tune the settings to your preferences.
Before anything else, you should know that the main Skyrim storyline is no longer a level 1 questline in Living Skyrim. Bleak Falls Barrow contains draugr that start at level 16 and the very first dragon fight is against a level 40 dragon. You should be at least level 10 before even considering starting the main story. Also, you should bring a follower or two just in case.
To begin the main quest, talk to Jarl Balgruuf. After speaking to him, Farengar becomes your point of contact for pretty much the entire questline. Whenever it seems that the main quest has stopped, talk to Farengar. The main storyline stops at multiple points (pretty much after every quest) to give you the opportunity to go do other things if you’d like. These breaks may also be necessary in the event you come across enemies that are far too strong for you to tackle.
Mod Configuration Menus are located in the pause/system menu under “MCM”.
True Directional Movement
TDM has several hotkeys that you may want to rebind, such as the button to lock onto enemies (default Mouse 5/Forward). You can do so in its MCM.
INI/JSON Changes
To edit a mod’s INI or JSON, open that mod’s folder. Usually INI files are located at SKSE\Plugins\ and JSON files are located in [Mod Name]\ within the mod’s folder. Mod folders are located at [List Install Location]\mods\. You can use any text editor (including Notepad) to edit the INI or JSON. Don’t forget to save your changes!
TK Dodge RE has an INI file inside its mod folder that you can use to change the hotkey used to dodge. By default this hotkey is Left Alt (56). To see a list of hotkeys the mod can use, refer to the following list;
The line you should edit to change its hotkey is DodgeHotkey = 56, replacing 56 with the desired hotkey code.
You may also edit the amount of stamina required to dodge and the duration of invincibility frames in this INI by changing Dodge Stamina = 10 and iFrameDuration = 0.3 respectively.
Equipment Toggle has a Config.json file its mod folder that you can use to change the hotkey used to toggle your equipment’s visibility. By default this hotkey is Down Arrow (208). To see a list of hotkeys the mod can use, refer to the following list;
The line you should edit to change its hotkey is "key": 208,, replacing 208 with the desired hotkey code.
Note that whichever hotkey you set for this mod will still follow the rules set in the rest of the Config.json, so if you toggle the visibility manually with the hotkey, the automatic hiding and showing of equipment will continue to function afterwards.
OCPA also has an INI file inside its mod folder that you can use to change the hotkey used to toggle your equipment’s visibility. By default this hotkey is Middle Mouse Click (258). To see a list of hotkeys the mod can use, refer to the following list;
The line you should edit to change its hotkey is ForceRightKey=258. Replace 258 with the code for the key you would like to use to power attack. Note that One-Click Power Attack intentionally disables the “hold button to power attack” functionality, so whichever key you select will be the one you have to press and release to power attack.
To change the resolution of the game, you should use BethINI. To launch BethINI, close Mod Organizer 2 and then navigate to the Tools folder inside your Living Skyrim install folder. BethINI can be used to tweak the game settings including resolution. Please note that if you are using the Performance profile, you will need to switch the INI Path in Bethini’s Setup tab.
To change the game to windowed or borderless mode, modify the INI inside the SSE Display Tweaks mod folder.
Wabbajack will automatically adjust the resolution setting to match your monitor.
If you need to change the resolution of the game, you should use BethINI. Close Mod Organizer 2 and then navigate to the Masterstroke\Tools\Bethini Pie folder. BethINI can be used to tweak the game settings including resolution.
To change the game to windowed or borderless mode, modify the INI for SSE Display Tweaks:
Masterstroke\mods\Masterstroke - Mod Configurations\SKSE\Plugins\SSEDisplayTweaks.ini
If you're using an ultrawide monitor with a 21:9 or 32:9 ratio, then enable the Masterstroke Ultrawide mod in the left pane of MO2 under the Ultrawide support category.
To select a different CS preset:
🛑 You should only ever have one CS preset enabled. Having multiple enabled is a recipe for a Bad Time™.
To change individual CS settings yourself:
Press the Delete key while in-game. This will open the CS control panel. You can tweak the settings of CS using this control panel.
To disable the slow motion kill cams, add this at the end of the skyrim.ini:
Masterstroke uses the Journeyman mod. You need to craft a travel pack before fast traveling.
Read the modpage for more info.
If needed, you can use the console command "TGM" to bypass the travel pack requirement.
Remember to use the command again after fast traveling to turn off godmode.
Before you do anything with Bodyslide, you should refer to this tutorial to understand how the program works. Yes, the tutorial is for Fallout 4 but the steps are identical for Skyrim Special Edition. Note that Bodyslide is already installed in Masterstroke, so you do not need to worry about installing the program.
If you just want to add a Bodyslide preset to the available options in OBody, simply download the bodyslide preset and install it using Mod Organizer 2. If you are unfamiliar with installing mods using Mod Organizer 2, refer to this tutorial.
Adding a preset as a mod
If you download a RaceMenu Preset from Nexus or another website, simply install it as normal in Mod Organizer 2. If you are unfamiliar with installing mods using Mod Organizer 2, refer to this tutorial. Note that the presets included with Masterstroke have been verified to work with the modlist, if you download a preset from Nexus or another website it may not work perfectly with the modlist. You may need to make tweaks to the preset in RaceMenu in-game to make the preset appear correctly.
Adding a preset as a loose file
If you download a RaceMenu preset from the FG’s Modlists Discord and want it to appear in-game, download the .jslot file and place it into [Your modlist install location]\mods\Masterstroke Custom RaceMenu Presets\SKSE\Plugins\CharGen\Presets\ alongside all the other presets. Presets downloaded from the Discord should not require any tweaking to work correctly with the modlist.
Saving/Exporting a preset
If you update or reinstall the list, presets you’ve added or created yourself will be deleted. If you make your own, make sure to back them up from [Your modlist install location]\mods\Files Generated during playsessions launched with SKSE\SKSE\Plugins\CharGen\Presets\ to another folder outside of your install before running Wabbajack.
ℹ️ This may or may not work, depending on the preset. Especially if the races are too different (Elf <-> Orc).
The brightness of any given location is entirely subjective. For some, it may be too dark. For others, it may be too bright. Before anything else, you should know that this is not a bug. The perceived brightness (or darkness, as the case may be) of a location is based on a huge number of factors:
It is impossible for us to design a modlist with 100% perfect lighting for everyone. If you find the brightness/darkness too much in either direction, the only thing we can recommend is to change settings until it is at an acceptable level for you. The first things you should try are switching ENB presets and adjusting brightness/gamma settings.
Living Skyrim and Masterstroke include an optional mod you can enable to make things brighter that you can try. Those lists also come with an ESP called “Lux - Even Brighter Templates.esp” that you can safely disable if you would like to make it darker. No support is provided for adjusting lighting/brightness in the modlists beyond this, and exceeding what’s written here falls under Rule 11.
In modlists created by ForgottenGlory, autosaves are turned off. Why? Well, autosaves can sometimes activate while scripts in the game are running. If that happens, there’s a risk that you won’t be able to load that saved game in the future.
To ensure your gaming progress is saved:
By following these steps, you’ll make sure your game progresses smoothly and your adventures in Skyrim remain uninterrupted. Safe adventuring!
The Dark Brotherhood is largely unchanged, except for one major detail: “Good” characters can now complete the questline without committing a single crime, resulting in the destruction of the Dark Brotherhood.
The Companions questline can technically be started at level 1, but it depends on where the first radiant quest takes you as to what level you actually need to be to proceed with it. Regardless, the Companions questline functions very similarly to the Thieves’ Guild questline - the breaks it has are dictated by radiant quests. You’ll also need to complete many more radiant quests than vanilla Skyrim to proceed with the major quests in the questline.
The Thieves’ Guild is one of the few questlines that can be done from level 1, though its later quests will definitely require you to be higher level than vanilla Skyrim.
However, to start the Thieves’ Guild questline, you need to actually be a thief. Brynjolf won’t speak to you about the Thieves’ Guild unless you have stolen a certain amount of items, dictated by the Thieves’ Guild Requirements MCM. The breaks introduced to the Thieves’ Guild questline are mainly dictated by the radiant quests, since they are optional to accept and complete. You’ll need to complete a certain amount of radiant quests before being able to proceed with the next major quest in its line.
Similar to the main quest, the College of Winterhold is not a level 1 questline. The draugr you fight in Saarthal will likely be at least level 15, if not higher. Come prepared.
The College of Winterhold questline now requires to you be a mage to actually participate in it. After First Lessons is complete, you’ll need to speak to Tolfdir to begin the expedition to Saarthal. Like the main quest, the College of Winterhold has several points where it stops to allow you to go do other things. However, these stops are dictated by your magic skills. After Saarthal, you’ll need a magic skill at level 50, 65, and then 90 to proceed with the subsequent quests.
Before anything else, you should know that the main Skyrim storyline is no longer a level 1 questline in Living Skyrim. Bleak Falls Barrow contains draugr that start at level 16 and the very first dragon fight is against a level 40 dragon. You should be at least level 10 before even considering starting the main story. Also, you should bring a follower or two just in case.
To begin the main quest, talk to Jarl Balgruuf. After speaking to him, Farengar becomes your point of contact for pretty much the entire questline. Whenever it seems that the main quest has stopped, talk to Farengar. The main storyline stops at multiple points (pretty much after every quest) to give you the opportunity to go do other things if you’d like. These breaks may also be necessary in the event you come across enemies that are far too strong for you to tackle.
In general, you should be able to build on top of MOISE. Feel free to fork it and make your own Morrowind modlist if you want.
The only thing that needs to be mentioned is that MOISE is 100% incompatible with OpenMW, so mods that require it and OpenMW itself will not work under any circumstances.
Morrowind is wrong. This, to put it simply, happens when the mods installed changed since the last time you launched Morrowind. This warning can be safely ignored. Saving your game should remove the error.
MGE XE can sometimes be corrupt upon installation. Go to the folder where WJ downloaded all the mods and open the MGE XE Manual Install-41102-0-11-6-1560626592.7z file. Copy all of the files here into your Morrowind install folder and overwrite when prompted. You will not have to configure MGE XE again when doing this. If this still doesn’t fix it, try running MO2 and therefore Morrowind as Administrator.
The brightness of any given location is entirely subjective. For some, it may be too dark. For others, it may be too bright. Before anything else, you should know that this is not a bug. The perceived brightness (or darkness, as the case may be) of a location is based on a huge number of factors:
It is impossible for us to design a modlist with 100% perfect lighting for everyone. If you find the brightness/darkness too much in either direction, the only thing we can recommend is to change settings until it is at an acceptable level for you. The first things you should try are switching ENB presets and adjusting brightness/gamma settings.
Living Skyrim and Masterstroke include an optional mod you can enable to make things brighter that you can try. Those lists also come with an ESP called “Lux - Even Brighter Templates.esp” that you can safely disable if you would like to make it darker. No support is provided for adjusting lighting/brightness in the modlists beyond this, and exceeding what’s written here falls under Rule 11.
In modlists created by ForgottenGlory, autosaves are turned off. Why? Well, autosaves can sometimes activate while scripts in the game are running. If that happens, there’s a risk that you won’t be able to load that saved game in the future.
To ensure your gaming progress is saved:
By following these steps, you’ll make sure your game progresses smoothly and your adventures in Skyrim remain uninterrupted. Safe adventuring!
To change ENB settings, press Shift + Enter while in-game. This will open the ENB control panel. You can tweak the settings of ENB using this control panel.
Disabling ENB
To toggle ENB on and off while in-game, press Shift + F12. Disabling ENB can have massive performance effects, and is highly recommended for people with computer specifications close to the minimum recommended specs.
To change the resolution of the game, you should use BethINI. To launch BethINI, close Mod Organizer 2 and then navigate to the Tools folder inside your Living Skyrim install folder. BethINI can be used to tweak the game settings including resolution. Please note that if you are using the Performance profile, you will need to switch the INI Path in Bethini’s Setup tab.
To change the game to windowed or borderless mode, modify the INI inside the SSE Display Tweaks mod folder.
I dunno. Ask the modlist author to add something.
I dunno. Ask the modlist author to add something.
I dunno. Ask the modlist author to add something.
Check our detailed Knowledgebase below for more information.