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Living Skyrim 4 ships with 2 different profiles, those being the Standard profile and the Performance profile. The latter of such is ideal for use if you're not quite getting your desired performance out of the Standard profile. MO2's Profile selector, located in the top left, just above the mods pane, allows you to easily swap between the two.
Saves are compatible between the two profiles, though you will need transfer the saves. You can easily do so by clicking the Profile selection dropdown and clicking Manage. In the window that opens up, click the profile you are currently on, click the Transfer Saves button, then transfer the saves over to the Global location (left hand side). From there, close that window and select the profile you'd like to switch to, click Transfer Saves again, then transfer your saves from the Global location to the new profile.
If you want to squeeze even more performance out of Living Skyrim, you should also consider changing the ENB preset. You can do so using ENB Organizer. Select ENB Organizer from the Run dropdown menu (1) and then click Run (2).
First, you'll get this warning, which is safe to ignore.
You'll be presented with the ENB Organizer screen. Click the hamburger menu in the top left (1), and then Presets (2).
You'll then be presented with all of the ENB presets that are available to switch between. The presets that are intended to be increase the performance of the list are highlighted in the image below. To enable or disable a preset, simply toggle OFF the currently enabled preset, then toggle ON the one you'd like to use.
⚠️ Remember to only ever have one ENB preset enabled.
Once you've selected your preset, it is safe to exit ENB Organizer. Your changes will be saved and applied automatically.
You can also disable ENB entirely for Living Skyrim using ENB Organizer. To do so, head to the hamburger menu and then the Binaries menu.
To disable ENB entirely, simply toggle off the v494 toggle.
Once you've disabled (or enabled) ENB, it is safe to exit ENB Organizer. Your changes will be saved and applied automatically.
You can also make tweaks using BethINI to further improve the performance of Living Skyrim.
⚠️ BethINI is an advanced tool for editing the INI files that govern much of Skyrim. It should only be used if the above steps do not increase performance enough and if you know what you're doing. Incorrectly setting options in BethINI can break parts of the game.
⚠️ BethINI can only be run with Mod Organizer 2 closed. Close MO2 before opening BethINI. BethINI will warn you if you haven't done this.
BethINI is located in the "tools" folder of your Living Skyrim install folder.
When you open BethINI, you'll be presented with many options you can change to tweak the performance of Living Skyrim. One handy feature to note is that if you hover over any of the options, it will give you a tooltip with a more detailed explanation of what the setting does and how it affects the game as well as precisely which INI lines will be edited by changing the setting.
Before doing anything, you should switch to the Profile you are using, whether it be the Performance Profile or not, using the Setup tab in BethINI. To do so, click the Setup tab (1), then the INI Path dropdown menu (2) and select the profile you're planning on using (either Living Skyrim 4 or LS4 - Performance). BethINI will restart when you change between profiles. This is totally normal.
The first thing you should consider changing in Living Skyrim is the Preset. The Presets in BethINI safely change many settings on their own that won't break anything but improve performance. By default, Living Skyrim uses the High Preset with Recommended Tweaks enabled. Try Medium with Recommended Tweaks enabled before diving into BethINI further.
To do so, go to the Basic tab and click Medium (1), then enable Recommended Tweaks (2), then Save and Exit (3).
⚠️ Changing settings in the following tabs can break or remove core features of Skyrim. Be cautious when editing these.
In the Detail tab of BethINI, you can find more settings that you can tweak.
Some settings you may wish to consider tweaking are:
Increasing or decreasing these values can increase performance, though you should experiment to find which settings work best for you.
The default settings in the Detail tab for Living Skyrim 4 and its performance profile are below.
In the View Distance tab, you can change how far away objects appear in game. Reducing these values can increase performance.
Settings you may wish to consider tweaking are:
The Visuals tab controls things like game brightness, gamma, grass, and trees.
Settings you should consider tweaking are:
🛑 When you are done changing values in BethINI, don't forget to go back to the Basic tab and click "Save and Exit"!