At the bottom of the window, click Browse Modlists.
Put a check into the “Show NSFW” checkbox at the top of the window.
Locate the Masterstroke card and click the download button. If Wabbajack says the list is in Maintenance, you'll have to try again another time. You can visit FG's Discord server, join the "Channels & Roles" for Masterstroke and you'll be notified in the announcement channels when there is news.
Once downloaded, click the play button.
Wait for the image to load and show the Masterstroke logo, below the logo Target Modlist should already point to the .wabbajack installer for Masterstroke.
For Modlist Installation Location youclick the three dots in the text box. Navigate to your Masterstroke folder and then select this folder in the window that appears. This is where the list will be installed, including the copy of Mod Organizer 2 that you’ll need to use to launch the list.
Resource Download Location: will automatically populate using the folder you just selected. This is where all of the mods will be downloaded. If you chose a different download folder you can change it by clicking the three dots in this box.
Click the play/right arrow button to begin the installation.
Configuration example
The first time a download page opens for, login in the top left corner of the website.
You will be prompted to install the mods from Lover’s Lab manually, this is normal. When there are multiple files on the page, the file you need to download will be indicated at the top of the Wabbajack window.
Loverslab download example
⚠️If the next window asks you to download the same file again, then wait a couple seconds for the page to refresh.
With Nexus Premium
Wabbajack will ask you to login to Nexus and authorize your API key so it can download mods for you automatically. If this doesn’t happen, it isn’t a problem and means you’ve already set this up.
Without Nexus Premium
Wabbajack will prompt you to login and click all the needed buttons to download the modlist. Be prepared for this to take an extraordinarily long time. Current reports indicate installing the list manually takes approximately 24 hours. Installing with Nexus Premium isn’t required, but is strongly recommended if you value your time. If you must install the list manually, put on an audiobook or a TV show and make a day of it.
After all the downloads are finished, Wabbajack will continue to install all the mods and build BSA files. You don't have to do anything besides wait. This can take multiple hours depending on your PC.
⚠️ While you are waiting for the list to install, you should take the time to read through the Important Mods.
Once complete, Wabbajack will indicate it is done with a green box that says “Installation complete”. You may exit Wabbajack after this appears.
The installation complete notification.
If it does not complete successfully (a red box with “Installation failed”):
The installation failed notification.
Updating/Resetting Masterstroke
Later, you can update or reset the list (if something broke) without needing to do the whole installation again. But there are a few points you have to keep in mind:
Most Masterstroke updates will require a new game as specified in the changelog.
If you made your own character preset and want to use it again. Make sure to back it up to another folder outside of your install before running Wabbajack. Your preset(s) will be located in the folder: Masterstroke\mods\Files Generated during playsessions launched with SKSE\SKSE\Plugins\CharGen\Presets\
To update:
Follow the same steps at the top of this page, but also enable the option "Overwrite Installation" in the Wabbajack configuration. ️️
To reset:
Open Wabbajack and click on "Install from Disk"
For Target Modlist navigate to the Wabbajack\x.x.x.x\downloaded_mod_lists folder and select the .wabbajack file for Masterstroke.